Während Familie Krasnov ihren Urlaub in Russland verbrachten, nutzte Ivan die Chance an einem Turnier teilzunehmen. Hier ist ein kleiner Bericht den Dmitry darüber verfasst hat.
The event took place in the central chess-palace in Moscow, named after Botvinnik:
Here is more stuff on this tournament, including all the date, the number/names of participants and their rating too:
As you can see, some of the participants are quite strong players with the rating of about 2600, which is pretty tough :). Yaroslav Listratov was here too, he is at position 8 in the list, having „only“ 2200 of the rating, and he managed 5 points out of 7.
Anyway, it was a very nice and good opportunity for extra coaching, also to meet face-to-face really strong players at strong competitions, and, of course, to expose Ilmenau in a big event, like this tournament in Moscow :).

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